Getting out of Seattle was a community effort, thank you so much!!!
Thank you Kim for helping us finish up a few house projects and for fixing our mistakes :-)
Thank you Matt for cleaning the kitchen cabinets
Thank you Maria, you got the stove cleaner than I have seen it in years
Thank you Ryan for cleaning the fridge and for getting up at 4:00am to drive us to the airport
Thank you Heather for cleaning all of our floors and helping us to organize and pack
Thank you Lilia for hosting girls night so I could get out of the house and see my best friends
Thank you Oriana and Darren (Federica and Issabella) for letting us stay at your house and cooking us dinners - mmmm........ that last meal was good :-)
Thank you to all of our wonderful friends for your words of wisdom and endearing goodbuys we will miss you all on our trip and we would not be where we are without all of you in our lives.
Giovannina and Woody
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